Posts in DIY

How to Remember your Plant's Water with an ESP8266

Posted on 12th Jul 2020 01:10:31 in DIY, IoT, Smart

One of the things I have never been truly good at is remembering to do specific tasks that should ideally be done on a frequent basis. I recently received a plant as a gift and although it says it requires little attention I know that despite my best effort I will forget to water it regularly which will result in a sad plant. Luckily there is technology all around that can help me with this task. Here I use an ESP8622 to measure the humidity in the soil, allowing my Home Assistant instance to notify me when it drops below a certain amount. I first started by gathering the necessary materials...

How to Remember your Plant's Water

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Arduino DMX to RGBW LED with MAX485

Posted on 18th Apr 2018 16:11:44 in DIY, General

So here's a fun one: you have a DMX console and an entire system that runs using it. You just bought an awesome set of LED strips for super cheap from Amazon and of course, you want to use them in sync with the rest of the system. You could, of course, buy a DMX decoder but I wasn't able to find any decent ones for what I wanted...


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